Further reading:
For more reading on the Ika Chaalu project, or related issues, please check out the following:
"And they never lived happily ever after-The Battle for Justice Goes On; Voices of Married Girls in Telangana" (2018) https://mvfindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/dr/child_marriage_study_web_version.pdf
"Lost Childhood – Voices of Out of School Children (A Study Of 15-18 Year Old Boys And Girls In Telangana)" (2016) https://mvfindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/dr/lost_childhood_voices_of_out_of_school_children.pdf
"Champions: Voices of Girls – A Study of First Generation Girl Students in Senior Secondary Schools of Telangana" (2015) https://mvfindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/dr/champions_voices_of_girls_2015.pdf
"Child labour is exploitation" (2020) https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/dec/16/child-labour-is-exploitation-theres-no-such-thing-as-good-and-bad-work
"Covid-19 had undone years of progress for adolescent girls" (2021) - https://idronline.org/article/gender/covid-19-has-undone-years-of-progress-for-adolescent-girls/
"Social Norm Change, Behavioural Approaches and the Politics of Knowledge: A Conversation between the Ivory Tower and the Field" (2022) by Rekha Wazir https://doi.org/10.1111/dech.12731
"Sustaining Progressive Norm Changes in Times of Systemic Crises: A Case Study of the Ika Chaalu - Enough is Enough Project, India" - conference paper by the Ika Chaalu team, presented at the ISTR Global Conference in Montreal (2022)
Council for Social Development report on MVF's intervention: http://www.csdhyd.org/i/MVFs-Intervention.pdf